New Sew Christmas ornament Tutorial


Styrofoam ball
Measuring tape
Exacto knife
Scraps of fabric
2 pins

Step. 1
Divide the Styrofoam ball into 4 with the pen or sharpie marker
Step. 2
Measure to find out the hight and the wide of the rectangle you will need for each wedge.
Step. 3
Cut 4 rectangles with those measurments
Step. 4
Using the Exacto knife cut on the line of each wedge

Step. 5
Using the pins secure the fabric at the top and bottom and using something thin but sharp push the fabric inside the cut in the styrofoam, keep going until the wedge is covered and there is no fabric left outside.

Step 6.
Do the next wedges until you are done.

You can get creative and cut the styrofoam in any way you want and choose as many fabrics as you want!

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